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       We The Person

    Recording Sessions

 Mixing and Mastering


My Final project at Fullsail University was to find talent to record mix and master. I asked the band  I've been playing in called WE The Person if they were interested in recording a song, after confirming they were interested. We then proceeded to set a date to record. I located a studio called Rampage recordings in Chico CA and the owner agreed to let me use his sound treated room to record the band in. After the recording session there were many other challenges to be met. Mixing was done by receiving constant feedback by the band and my peers at Fullsail After Three stages of mixing and editing, it was time for the porject to get mastered to meet todays audio streaming loudness standards.This was challenging project and required countless hours in the studio and I enjoyed every second of it.    


This is the Final master of the Nothing by We The Person    


Nothing - We The Person

Please click on the pdf to view production credits 


 We The Person


Christian Luvgren - Vocals

Frank Bedene - Guitar

Casey Zampa -Drums

Corey Schroeder - Bass 



Notch EQ to remove transient noise

Notch Eq To Remove transient noise

Mastered stereo clips 

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